Important Places

Canuck Place Children's Hospice 

I have great interest in Canuck Place and all the wonderful things they do for sick kids & their families. Without them, my teen years would not have been as fun and fulfilling as they were. I met many famous people, went to games, movies & concerts, created music, made new friends and learnt much about life. I am one of few to grow old enough to graduate from their program. They are fantastic and need your support!


   I have found the most amazing place! The Brain Observatory at the University of California in San Diego. "The Digital Brain Library Project at the UCSD is an unprecedented effort to compare what has been learned about human behavior and disease with the actual organ, the brain!" Please check it out!

I have a facebook page here that is open to the general public. You can also "Friend" me as Myles Mitchell! Hope to see you there!

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